CCP Client 'CO354'
Value-Add Fabricator of Foam for Multiple
Commercial Applications

Clayton Capital Partners is pleased to exclusively represent CO354 (the “Company”) in the sale of its business. CO354 is a value-add fabricator of foam for multiple applications, located in the midwestern United States.


Diverse Customer Base - CO354 has earned longstanding relationships with customers in a wide variety of industries including construction, refrigeration, athletic suppliers, defense, and cosmetics. The Company’s customer base includes Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, and its diversity insulates it from significant declines in any one industry segment.


Broad Product Mix - The Company fabricates multiple types of foam for a wide variety of uses including cushioning, packaging and insulating, rather than specializing in one.


Customer-Centric Offerings - The Company delivers a turnkey solution to customers by providing product design guidance, just-in-time inventory management, and multiple shipping options.


Relationships with Major Manufacturers - Management has nurtured mutually profitable relationships with two major foam manufacturers which value CO354’s ability to fulfill less-than-truckload orders and orders from customers that do not meet the manufacturers’ stringent credit requirements.


Large Percentage of Repeat Customers - Customers have demonstrated their loyalty and satisfaction by doing business with CO354 for many years and by providing new customer referrals.


Multiple Opportunities for Growth - The Company’s reputation for high-quality products and outstanding service provides a strong platform for robust growth. By adding to its offerings, exploiting excess capacity, and broadening its marketing efforts, CO354 could increase revenues and expand its customer base.

CO354 Financial Highlights
12 Months Ended
Year Ended
Year Ended
Year Ended
Year Ended
Net Sales
$8,664,821 $8,238,080 $7,740,273 $4,910,861 $5,058,499
Adjusted EBITDA $2,258,803 $2,179,190 $1,741,243 $1,017,377 $851,865
Adjusted EBITDA %
26% 26% 22% 21% 17%

The undersigned hereby agrees:


That all information, data and materials disclosed or furnished (herein called the Information) by Clayton Capital Partners Acquisition Candidate CO354 (herein called the Company) will be maintained strictly confidential and that, in consideration for such disclosure, no use of the Information will be made by any signing party, or employees of such party, other than for evaluation purposes, on a strictly confidential basis.


It is understood that disclosure of any of the Information, including the possibility that the Shareholders may consider sale, disclosure of the current status of the Company, or disclosure of any information to customers, vendors, competitors, or employees of the Company would cause serious financial damage to the Company and/or its affiliates


The undersigned also agrees that, for the term of this agreement, they will not solicit for employment any management-level employee, executive-level employee, or any employee of the Company with whom the undersigned came into contact with as a result of the proposed transaction. Nothing herein shall preclude the undersigned from hiring any employee who responds to a general solicitation so long as it is not targeted at the Company or its employees (including through the use of search firms) or who contacts the undersigned of their own accord.


The undersigned agrees not to copy, duplicate, disclose or deliver all or any portion of the Information to a third party or permit any other third party to inspect, copy or duplicate the same except those parties deemed necessary by the undersigned to evaluate the possible transaction (including agents, advisors, affiliates, accountants, attorneys, consultants, and lenders). It is understood that the undersigned may disclose Information to only parties who (i) require such material for the purpose of evaluating a possible transaction and (ii) are informed by the undersigned of the confidential nature of the Information and agree to be bound by the terms hereof. The undersigned further agrees to be responsible for any breach of this agreement by the above mentioned parties, and that these parties will not use any of the Information for any reason or purpose other than to evaluate a possible transaction or in any way detrimental to the Company.


This shall not, however, prevent the undersigned from disclosing to others or using in any manner:

  1. Information which has been published and has become part of the public domain other than by acts or omissions by the receiving party
  2. Information which has been furnished or made known to the undersigned by third parties as a matter of right without restriction of disclosure
  3. Information which the undersigned can show was already in its possession at the time it entered into this Agreement and which was not acquired directly or indirectly from the Company, their representatives, its employees or their representatives, or
  4. Information which is independently developed by the undersigned or its representatives.

This agreement shall remain in effect for a term of two years from the execution date hereof and upon request, the receiving party will promptly return or destroy all data and materials furnished by the Company and destroy any internal analyses and/or workpapers related to the evaluation of the Company. The undersigned shall be permitted to retain copies of Information for the sole purpose of complying with applicable laws and not be required to destroy electronic Information saved for backup and bonafide record retention policies in the ordinary course of business. Any such retained Information shall remain subject to the confidentiality obligations of this agreement for so long as such information is retained.

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CCP Client 'CO354'
For Additional Information Contact:
Ryan Gerteisen, Associate
8112 Maryland Ave., Suite 250
St. Louis, MO 63105
Ph 314-725-9939 x 534